Consider a place subjected to strike-slip stress regime with oriented at an azimuth of 070
with known values of principal stresses (Fig 6.23).
The maximum stress anisotropy lies in a plane that contains
, a plane perpendicular to the axis of a vertical wellbore.
Hence, maximum stress amplification at the wellbore wall will happen for a vertical wellbore.
The minimum stress anisotropy lies in a plane that contains
, perpendicular to a horizontal wellbore drilled in direction of
Given a mud pressure and a fixed friction angle, we can calculate the maximum required
for a given wellbore orientation using a shear failure criterion
, and the principal stresses from equations in Fig. 6.22.
The plots in Fig. 6.23 are examples of this calculation.
The maximum required
corresponds to the wellbore direction with maximum stress anisotropy (vertical wellbore - red region), and the minimum required
corresponds to the wellbore direction with minimum stress anisotropy (horizontal wellbore with
- blue region).
Following the same concepts discussed before, we would expect breakouts at 160
and 340
of azimuth on the sides of a vertical wellbore.
A horizontal wellbore drilled in the direction of
would tend to develop breakouts on the top and bottom of the wellbore.
PROBLEM 6.5: Consider a place with principal stresses MPa,
MPa (at 070
MPa, and
MPa. Calculate the required UCS using the Coulomb failure criterion (with
) for all possible wellbore orientations.
Plot results in a stereonet projection.
PROBLEM 6.6: Consider a place with principal stresses MPa,
MPa (at 070
MPa, and
MPa. Calculate the required UCS using the Coulomb failure criterion (with
) for all possible wellbore orientations.
Plot results in a stereonet projection.