Let us define a coordinate system for a point along the trajectory of a deviated wellbore.
The first element of the cartesian base goes from the center of a cross-section of the wellbore at a given depth to the deepest point around the cross-section (perpendicular to the axis).
The second element of the base
goes from the center to the side on a horizontal plane.
The third element of the base
goes along the direction of the wellbore.
Based on the previous definition, it is possible to construct a transformation matrix
that links the geographical coordinate system and the wellbore coordinate system.
(6.19) |
Furthermore, the wellbore stresses can be calculated from the principal stress tensor according with:
(6.20) |
are the principal stress tensor and the corresponding change of coordinate matrix to the geographical coordinate system.
The tensor
is composed by the following stresses:
(6.21) |
Stresses on the plane of the cross-section of the deviated wellbore at the wellbore wall
depend on far-field stresses
, and
The Kirsch equations require additional far field shear terms
, and
in order to account for principal stresses not coinciding with the wellbore orientation.
The solution of Kirsch equation with far-field shear stresses is provided in Fig. 6.21.
Solving for principal stresses
on the wellbore wall permits checking for rock failure (tensile of shear).
The principal stresses may not be necessarily aligned with the wellbore axis leading to an angle
(see Fig. 6.22).
Because of such angle, tensile fractures in deviated wellbores can occur at an angle
from the axis of the wellbore and appear as a series of short inclined (en-échelon) fractures instead of a long tensile fracture parallel to the wellbore axis as in Fig. 6.16.