Wellbore breakouts occur when the stress anisotropy
surpasses the shear strength limit of the wellbore rock.
Maximum anisotropy is found at
, for which
(6.7) |
Hence, replacing and
into a shear failure equation (Eq. ) permits finding the mud pressure
that would produce a tiny shear failure (or breakout) at
(6.8) |
(6.9) |
Mud pressure
would extend the breakout further in the neighbohood of
(See Fig. 6.9).
is the lowest mud pressure before initiation of breakouts.
PROBLEM 6.1: Calculate the minimum mud weight (ppg) in a vertical wellbore for avoiding shear failure (breakouts) in a site onshore at 7000 ft of depth where 4300 psi and
6300 psi and with hydrostatic pore pressure.
The rock mechanical properties are
3500 psi,
0.6, and
= 800 psi.
Hydrostatic pore pressure results in:
The effective horizontal stresses are:
The friction angle is
, and therefore, the friction stress anisotropy ratio is
Thus, the minimum mud pressure for avoiding shear failure (breakouts) is
This pressure can be achieved with an equivalent circulation density of